WOD: 30:00 emom: m1: shuttle run outside m2: 5-8 sandbag over the shoulder m3: kettlebell static farmers hold m4: 20 jumping lunges m5: max effort calories on bike m6: rest
WOD: for time: 9 chest to bar pull ups 21 squat cleans 2:00 rest 15 chest to bar pull ups 15 squat cleans 2:00 rest 21 chest to bar pull ups 9 squat cleans
SKILL: 4 sets of 5 push press @70% WOD: 14:00 to complete: 2:00 to establish a set max effort pull up then 5 deadlifts @70% 80% max pull ups 5 deadlifts 70% max pull ups 5 deadlifts 60% max pull ups 5 deadlifts 50% max pull ups