Deck of Death

Deck of Death

Deck of Death

Something that people keep asking me about is dieting and what to eat.  I always respond the same way.  Eat lean meats, vegetable, some fruit, nuts, seed and oils.  Stay away from dairy, sugar and starches and you’ll be fine!  What I mean by all that is at every meal you have during the day (i.e. breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner).  Every time you eat have a portion of each of those.  Don’t over do your fruits (it’s has a lot of sugar) and don’t over do your protein (your body won’t process all of it). Vegetables, have at it!  Eat as much as you can, because you’re more than likely going to get tired of chewing before you over eat. This is a simple way to put nutrition: If it was alive or could have been alive yesterday, eat it.  If not, don’t.


800m Run

20/15/15 Pelvic Raises

15/15 Kicks

10/10 Scorpians

2 x 15 Russian Ham Curls

10min Push-Jerk Practice


“Deck of Death” (25min)

Hearts = Push-ups

Spades = Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

Diamonds = Knee-to-Elbows

Clubs = KB Swings (32/24kg)

Jokers = 50 Split Squat Jumps


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