We had a great turnout for a spur-of-the moment WOD today! Had a few newbies and a visitor from Cali. It was a hard WOD and definitely made people wonder why they had come on their day off. Check out some of the shots below and stay tuned for this to become a regular thing!
Also, Melissa has becomes certified in Yoga Fit and we are looking to add a few Yoga classes to the schedule to help with your flexibility and to have a non-weight bearing day if you choose to have one. Let us know what times you would like to see this happen. We are thinking during the week at night. If you have suggestions please email us at [email protected]! Or let us know during class.
*LONG Warm-up
50m Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
20 Overhead Squats with Plate (45/25)
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)