Kettlebells, Oh How I Adore Thee

Kettlebells, Oh How I Adore Thee

Kettlebells, Oh How I Adore Thee

We’ve been talking about a few new things that Mission CrossFit SA will be adding in the month of July to help all of our athletes out!  As these things come closer we will discuss them more.  One thing we will be doing is having a monthly “Benchmark Challenge.”  What this means, is we will vote on one of the Girls or Heroes to do for the entire month, meaning, once a week we will attempt that WOD in hope of improving our times, weights and overall performance.  This is a great opportunity to push yourself and really see the benefits just 4 short weeks can give you!  So make sure that by Wednesday of this week you get your vote in!  We will have slips of paper at the desk, just write down what WOD you like and hand it in.  That’s it!  Then the fun begins!
*And Congratulations to Craig and Brad for their first-ever Muscle-ups!
Level 1 WOD:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (24/16)
21 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Level 2 WOD:
21 KB Swings (32/24)
11 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)


0 thoughts on “Kettlebells, Oh How I Adore Thee”

  1. Great job by craig and brad. Hopefully one of these days “cammy bear” will be able to do one. I truly believe if there was an easier way to do these he would be able to perform this skill.

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