If you’ve ever been to the 6:30 AM class, you’ll know Adam Weber. You’d know a couple things about Adam if you’ve been around him at all. First… He’s loud. But a kind of loud that creates a very loose atmosphere at the gym for everyone attending class. The other thing you’d see is a person who is very serious about his training and has a relentless work ethic despite being a bit of a jokester around the gym. He’s made HUGE gains since he first stepped in our door and now participates in our Competition Program. Congrats Adam and thanks for being an integral part of our gym!
Athlete of The Month – March 2014
Name: Adam Weber
Started CrossFit: April 2012
Favorite WOD: Grace, Karen, Helen
Least Favorite WOD: Fran, Diane
Favorite Lift: Snatch
Least Favorite Lift: HSPU and/or chest-to-bar
200m Run
3 Rounds:
15 Air Squats
5 Inch Worms + 2 Pushups
20 Split Squat Jumps
3×6 (each side) Alternating Knee to Elbow
3x 4 Min AMRAP w/4 Min Rest
10 DL (115/75) (Rx+ 135/95)
10 Burpees
8 Power Cleans
8 Burpees
6 Shoulder to Overhead
6 Burpees
4 Power Snatches
4 Burpees