Memorial Day “Murph”

Memorial Day “Murph”

Memorial Day “Murph”


On Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, Mission CrossFit San Antonio will host a WOD in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy.

We will be hosting only two classes that day for everyone. One at 8:00am and one at 9:00am. All members and friends are welcome to attend the workout.

Drop-ins are welcome!


1-mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 squats

1-mile run

“On June 28, 2005, four Navy SEALs on a reconnaissance mission in the Kunar province of Afghanistan were ambushed by an overwhelming Taliban force. Team leader Lt. Michael Murphy, unable to call for help from his location, walked into the center of enemy fire, where his satellite phone might work. He punched in the numbers to HQ and calmly requested reinforcements.

Even after being knocked to his knees from a gunshot wound to his back, Murphy calmly sat back up, steadied himself and continued the call, knowing that it was the only way he might save his men. Once the call for reinforce- ments had been completed, he returned to the fight with an MH-47 Chinook helicopter on the way.

Outrunning its escort of attack helicopters, the Chinook rushed into the battle for a daring daylight rescue. Attempting to set down in tremendously rugged terrain filled with hostile militia, the Chinook was hit by a rocket- propelled grenade. The eight SEALs and eight Army Night Stalkers aboard were killed, leaving Murphy and his men to continue the fight. When the battle ended, Murphy and all but one of his men had been mortally wounded.

“Murph” was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallantry on June 28, 2005. Only one other serviceman has received the award while serving in Afghanistan.

Murphy was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions that day. Among those killed in the rescue attempt were Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor and Lt. Michael McGreevy. Both SEALs were posthu- mously awarded Bronze Stars for Valor and Purple Hearts. These men were fathers, husbands and sons. They were brothers to their fellow SEALs. They were also CrossFitters. In their actions, these men embodied the values and spirit of true heroes, and to immortalize their courage, bravery and self-sacrifice, the CrossFit Hero workouts were created.”

Excerpt from “Fallen but Never Forgotten,” written by Russell Berger in the CrossFit Journal.

Click here to purchase a drop in class.


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