Mud Bug Throwdown Details!

Mud Bug Throwdown Details!

Mud Bug Throwdown Details!


Spots are filling up quick!!!  There is a sign up list on the white board for those members who are looking for a partner.  Again, the cost is $30/team consisting of 1 Male and 1 Female.  Entry fees will go to the purchase of crawfish, fixins’ and drinks.

Looking to just join in on the crawfish eating and not so interested in competing?  You can pre-purchase your plate (unlimited crawfish) for $10 on our MindBody site or pay the day of the event.

If you are debating whether or not you’d like to participate in the competition, here is some more info to help in your decision:


Rx Team Requirements

Athletes should be comfortable performing standard barbell movements, such as the deadlift, snatch, clean, shoulder-to-overhead (shoulder press, push press, push jerk), squats (back, front, overhead), and thrusters at or above #115/75.

STRENGTH Requirements. Both athletes should be capable of ALL barbell movements using #115/75 in a workout.
SKILL Requirements. Both athletes should be capable of performing multiple repetitions of each of the following movements:– Pull-ups
– Box Jumps (24″/20″ box)
– Toe-to-Bar
– Kettlebell Swings (24kg/16kg)


Scaled Team Requirements

Athletes should be comfortable performing standard barbell movements, such as the deadlift, snatch, clean, shoulder-to-overhead (shoulder press, push press, push jerk), squats (back, front, overhead), and thrusters at or above #95/65.

STRENGTH Requirements. Both athletes should be capable of ALL barbell movements using #95/65 in a workout.

SKILL Requirements. Both athletes should be capable of performing multiple repetitions of each of the following movements:

– Push-ups
– Box Jumps (24″/20″ box)
– Wall Ball Shots (#20/14 ball to 10’/9′ target)
– Kettlebell Swings (20kg/12kg)

For more information, visit our MUD BUG THROWDOWN website.


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