We have been talking about starting an olympic lifting/advanced movements program and we have finally set a date and schedule! The program will be named “Barbell Sport Prep”. The focus will be primarily the olympic lifts (snatch/clean & jerk) and their derivatives, but we will be touching on other advanced movements as well. This class will serve as a prerequisite for an upcoming “Barbell Sport” advanced class where we will incorporate a lifting program and high level movements in WOD’s that you wouldn’t see in a typical class.
Coach Nick Vera will be leading this 4 week program that will meet 2x/week for 1 hour. We will cap the class at 8 members to ensure that each athlete gets enough individual attention to understand the lifts and how to improve them moving forward. Depending on the level of interest we have in the class, there is a possibility of adding a second session in either the mornings or evenings.
WHEN: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM starting May 6th, 2013
COST: $100
If you would like to sign up for the class, please email Coach Nick ([email protected]). The first 8 members to email him will have their spots reserved!!!
Even if you have already emailed him to express interest, you must email him again to reserve your spot. Everyone else will be put on a ‘waitlist’ and more than likely form a second session.
400m Run
10 Min to Find 1RM Power Clean
12 Min AMRAP:
7 Power Cleans @ 60% of 1 RM or (155/105)
11 Pullups