No Rep!

No Rep!

No Rep!

Make sure to sign-up for our Paleo Challenge that starts in under 2 weeks!  October 1st we will begin our challenge!  We are setting up athletes with coaches this week then having a sign-up posted tomorrow for when you can come in and get your pictures taken and measurements done.  Make sure to sign-up otherwise you cannot participate in the challenge!

Paleo Challenge: What to eat

  1. YES to meat, seafood, vegetables, some fruit, eggs, nuts, and seeds.  Beef, pork, chicken, lamb, seafood, tuna, salmon, shrimp.  Avocado, asparagus, arugula, spinach, broccoli, celery, sweet potatoes, yams, any type of leafy green, red cabbage, artichoke.  Berries, melon, pomegranate.  Chicken eggs, ostrich eggs. (no Do Do eggs).   Almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts.
  2. No to processed foods.  Pretty much anything in the middle of the grocery store.  Can’t recognize it growing or running around in the wild?  Don’t eat it.
  3. No to sugar.  I don’t care whether it’s super natural 100% organic fair trade sugar from the honey of communitarian bees, ITS STILL SUGAR.  No sweeteners, no agave nectar, honey or maple syrup.
  4. No grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, corn and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa and sprouted grains.
  5. No to legumes. Peanuts, peanut-butter, beans, peas, lentils.
  6. No to dairy.  Milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
  7. Less alcohol.  No sugary mixers, no beer or alcohols containing gluten.
  8. Fewer sweet fruits and starchy vegetables.  Bananas, eating a bunch of apples, dried fruit, or white potatoes.  (If you have serious inflammation issues like arthritis, you may want to consider avoiding all nightshades for 30 days.)
  9. Cook with real fats.  If you’re cooking, then cook with lard or animal fat.  If you don’t have that, then cook with coconut oil, olive oil, or butter.


:30 Drills (x2)

LIFT: Max Thruster (or 5 x 5) (20min)

WOD: Fight Gone Terribly Wrong.

1:00 For Each Exercise (:30 Rest between them) (Twice through for total reps completed)





Split Squat Jump



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