November 2015 Athlete of the Month – Laura Jones

November 2015 Athlete of the Month – Laura Jones

November 2015 Athlete of the Month – Laura Jones

Congratulations to Laura Jones for being selected at November’s Athlete of the Month!  Since she joined Mission just four months ago, she has improved ten fold and continuously works at her weaknesses.  She is driven, competitive and always willing to learn and do what it takes.  We love coaching her in class and cannot wait to see how much more she grows with us at Mission.  For that reason and many more,  she is certainly deserving of the title “Athlete of the Month.”

Name: Laura Jones

Started CrossFit: July 2015

Favorite WOD: Endurance Wednesday’s

Least Favorite WOD: Anything with Ring Dips

Favorite Lift: Power Clean

Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squat

Story:  My CrossFit journey started four months ago at 8 weeks postpartum. I have always considered myself to be athletic.  I was a cheerleader in high school and college, played soccer and have always enjoyed running. Although I ran throughout my pregnancy, I knew that I was going to have to step up my workouts to get back to where I wanted to be. My husband has been working out at Mission for over two years and encouraged me to give it a try.  I will admit, I was intimidated at first, but have always given everything I do 110% and believe hard work always pays off.  I like the competitive atmosphere, the challenging workouts, having something my husband and I can do together, and most importantly the excellent training I have received from the coaches at Mission.  Just recently, we completed “Grace” in a Barbell for Boobs event in my hometown.  With a little over 3 months experience, I used the scaled weight and finished under the capped time!  Our daughter is now almost 6 months old and I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life and strive to set a good example for our family.  I am able to do this by going into every workout with a positive attitude, setting goals, and working hard to be the best I can be.  There is nothing more rewarding than finishing a tough WOD with the support of your fellow CrossFitters and coaches.  I am happy to be a part of Mission CrossFit!



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