October 2017 Athlete of the Month

October 2017 Athlete of the Month

October 2017 Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to William Snowden for being named October 2017 Athlete of the Month!  Will started CrossFit just 11 months ago after a year of traveling with this wife.  He noticed he couldn’t do things as well as he would like, and didn’t like how he looked or felt.  He had always been active, and knew it was time to get back to that way of life.  He decided to start CrossFit, and the rest is history.  You can see Will at the noon class almost everyday where he will throw down at every class while being one of the first to arrive and last to leave.  For these reasons and many more he is very deserving of the title of Athlete of the Month.
Started CrossFit:  November 2016
Favorite WOD:  Nancy for the combo of focus/balance/stamina it takes to OHSQ each round after those 400m runs
Least Fave WOD:  Angie, death by pull ups!
Fave Lift:  Squats or Dead lift
Least Fave Lift:  Split Jerk (times infinity)
Story: Thank you so much, it is an honor to be chosen as an Athlete of the Month. I want to share this distinction with my friends and peers who attend during the lunch hour because you all are truly an inspiration for me. No matter if you are working through injuries, overcoming plateaus, or consistently crushing it – everyone has such a great attitude and it is clear that nobody leaves without giving it their everything. MCFSA coaches have done a great job cultivating this community, and I am humbled to be recognized from among such an amazing group of people.

I started CrossFit for the first time just 11 months ago. The year leading up to that decision my wife and I had traveled quite a bit. As I looked back at our pictures (and there were a lot) I was not happy with myself for the shape that I had fallen into. I recall during those trips I couldn’t keep up during hikes, had to forgo activities I wasn’t physically able to safely complete, was uncomfortable shirtless at the pool or beach, and most embarrassingly my gut was so big it would compress my diaphragm so that I had to hold my breath to bend over and put on my shoes. It was a far cry from what I always considered “my normal self” because I was always very active, even as as a child: dabbled in gymnastics at 5, then soccer in elementary thru middle school, football=life in high school, and all the while was also doing 15yrs of martial arts. In college I stayed active playing every intramural sport and joined the UTSA Cheerleading Team (GO ROADRUNNERS!!!). So nearly all my life I was agile, flexible, quick, and athletic. But as I transitioned out of college and got more career focused, the activity level slowly dropped until I was literally paying for a Gold’s Membership for 3yrs, yet I never stepped into their facility once after enrollment. Enough was enough and I went hunting for a CrossFit gym because I knew I needed that level of intensity and the constantly-varied programming. Lucky for me MCFSA is literally one parking lot away from my work. From Day 1 I told the coaches I am committing to a new routine, but truthfully I had no idea what I was in for! My very first workout was Fran- which I scaled with just the 35lbs bar + jumping pull ups and I hit the 10min time cap. I was sore for days after that. But now, here we are 11mo later: I’ve lost 40lbs and 2 pants sizes, nothing fits anymore (in a good way), my PR’s are way up from where I started, and I feel stronger and more nimble than I’ve ever been at any point in my life.

Again I want to thank all the veteran members of the noon class who immediately adopted me into the community, have shared their training tips and been so supportive every day. I also want to thank my WOD partner Tyler for making classes as fun as they can be and for always keeping me on my game. Lastly, I want to thank the staff of MCFSA for literally everything you do in class and behind the scenes to provide a clean, safe, supportive, and rigorous physical challenge in class every day.



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