November Athlete of the Month

November Athlete of the Month

November Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Zach Collins for being selected as November 2020 Athlete of the Month. Zach’s prior football experience made him a perfect fit for CrossFit. Even having a major injury that set him out for 8 months didn’t deter him from rehabbing and coming back stronger. Zach’s dedication to his lifts has seen tremendous increase in his overall strength. When its a deadlift day, you should make your way to the noon class to watch Zach lift. For those reasons and many more is why we have selected Zach as November 2020 Athlete of the Month.

Started CrossFit: September 2017

Favorite Lift: Tie between bench press and squats

Least favorite Lift: Snatch

Favorite WOD: Fran

Least favorite WOD: Anything on the bike that takes longer than 15 seconds

Story: I’ve always loved competing in athletic endeavors.  I hadn’t had anything to really compete in since I stopped playing football after freshman year of college.  My wife said countless times I should try Mission, but I was stubborn and wouldn’t listen (typical for me).  After finally giving in to the idea that CrossFit could provide some competitive outlet I was in need of, I tried a few boxes but nothing stuck.  Eventually I made my way to Mission and realized that the coaches and atmosphere were what made the overall experience so special.  I was hooked from that point on.  The noon class became my getaway in the middle of the day to disconnect from work and reconnect with my friends. Right at my 1-year anniversary mark, I had the unfortunate experience of rupturing my achilles.  After 8 months of rehab, I couldn’t wait to get back to the gym and train with my nooners again.  Coming to MCFSA has been one of the best things i have to look forward to each day and I’m always eager on Sundays to see what the week has in store for us.  Thank you to everyone who makes Mission such a great place!


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