Congratulations to Mia-Britt Dowd on being selected as October Athlete of the Month. Mai-Britt worked out through her entire pregnancy and jumped right back into it, making all suggested modifications along the way and NEVER making excuses. Mai-Britt entrusted the Coaches to ease her back in. She is setting a great example for her children making fitness a priority. She always makes time in her busy schedule to come in and put in the work hard! Her presence and positive attitude are such an inspiration to all. For those reasons and many more she is deserving of Athlete of the Month.
Started CrossFit: March 2017 (3 months postpartum with Mags)
Favorite WOD: any WOD with wall balls/rowing/double unders
Least Favorite WOD:any WOD with biking for distance/snatch/ over head squats/pull ups
Favorite Lift: Squat clean
Least Favorite Lift: Squat snatch
Story: Coach Meagan will agree, I came to Mission skeptical, with lots of- “I don’t really want… or I don’t really care about…. or my body doesn’t move that way….” My mission at Mission was to see what my husband enjoyed so much. What got him up and out the door for the 5am class?? The added bonus would be that we could spend time doing hard work together.Mission doesn’t disappoint; it IS hard work, but we were made to do hard things. When I show up at 5am looking at the white board looming with heavy weight and tough movements I’m encouraged by my husband, other members who have become friends and coaches to put the work in. It’s even better when leaving the gym feels like I’ve already won the day- if I’m lucky that happens at 6:03am!