Paleo Challenge

Paleo Challenge

Paleo Challenge

What a huge day. There are no words to describe What I feel about today and how smoothly everything went. We had amazing athletes, phenomenal coaches and the all out effort was just astounding. Thank you all!!

I will say this had to have been a successful Paleo Challenge seminar and baseline workout day. Everyone participated and worked their tails off and I commend you for that.

For this of you who couldn’t make it today for the seminar, we will do it again Tuesday evening at 7:30pm. Shouldn’t take too long.

If you still have your baseline workout to do it will be done over the next 3 days in class. So whatever class you come to you will do that workout. The rest of you will have a WOD to do.

Thank you again and let’s kick some paleo ass!

Check out some of the videos and pictures from yesterday!



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