Paleo Challenge 2012!

Paleo Challenge 2012!

Paleo Challenge 2012!

Starting Sunday, March 18th, Mission CrossFit SA will be hosting their 4th Paleo Challenge since we opened our doors in April of 2011. We love this time of the year because we get to see the dramatic changes that Paleo and a healthy life style can make on an athlete. You are all athletes in our eyes and nutrition is the biggest key!

I have recently been asked numerous times about when the next Paleo challenge will be and how I can lose “this” extra stuff as someone grabs a little something extra on their body that they don’t like. This is how you do it. Nutrition and high-intensity training. The combination of CrossFit and Paleo will result in everything that you want out of working out and eating right.

We will posting up the directions, sign-up sheets and guidelines on Monday for everyone to see. There are a few changes to this Paleo Challenge to make it more fun, challenging and rewarding. There is an individual aspect as well as a team aspect. The teams will be split up into classtimes, so choose wisely on which class you want to register with. It must be a class you attend frequently. So, those of you who are “traveling class time CrossFitters” are going to have to choose a time to frequent more often. THIS DOESN’T MEAN YOU MUST attend that class all the time, but we want you to support each other in your class as well as commit to not only a class, but the whole Paleo Challenge.

There are numerous prizes to win this time and everyone has a fair chance at reaching them. One of our newest coaches, Coach Renee Ulrich, has spent a lot of time putting this chalenge together, so make sure to thank her!

Again, final info will be posted Monday on the website as well as in the gym. We will also send an email out to remind everyone.  We had 98 athletes in our last challenge, let’s double that number!


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