Paleo Challenge Starts May 16th

Paleo Challenge Starts May 16th

Paleo Challenge Starts May 16th

Register now for MCFSA’s first Paleo Challenge!  We begin on Sunday, May 16th at 1:00pm and it’ll last about 3 hours.  There will be a lecture, Q&A, pictures and measurements (if you choose to do) and you will also receive a log book for enrolling in the challenge.  The log book is yours to keep track of all your food intake as well as all of your workouts and lifts (they can be purchased separately as well).  We will be asking to look at it from time to time to see how your eating habits are and how your workouts are coming along.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to change your lifestyle for the better!  We have had a lot of interest in this challenge over that past few weeks and we hope everyone will consider joining to challenge to at least learn something new about good lifestyle habits and to learn something about yourself.

You can enroll at our online scheduler by clicking here, logging in to your account and going to the “Seminar” tab.  Those who wish to participate will have the additional motivation of your fellow CrossFitters as well as the motivation to win some kick-ass prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd best overall figure change.  This contest isn’t based on weight loss, so if you don’t have a lot of weight to lose you can still lean out and have a great chance to win!

And don’t forget today’s WOD.  Half way light after yesterday.  HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!


7 min AMRAP

11 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

11 Air Squats

– 5 min Rest

For Time: *any broken set of KB Swings results in an immediate 10 Burpees

400m run

21 Burpees

21 KB Swings (unbroken! 24kg/16kg)

400m Run

15 Burpees

15 KB Swings (unbroken!)

400m Run

9 Burpees

9 KB Swings (unbroken!)


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