Saturday Paleo Challenge!

Saturday Paleo Challenge!

Saturday Paleo Challenge!

Today was the first official day of our 6-week Paleo Challenge!  The weather was perfect and we had a large group show up to learn more about their eating habits and how to improve them.  I had a goal of 100 athletes to do our Paleo Challenge, and we got so close!  We ended the day at 90!  90 participants is still a huge accomplishment!  I guess my persuasive tactics worked…

If you missed today’s meeting/benchmark workout, we will be repeating it tomorrow (Sunday) at 5:00pm after Neal’s Class.  If you cannot make it then, it will be tough to the workouts during class time.  So, please try and get it done tomorrow.  We had around 60 athletes out there today doing it, so lets get the rest of you tomorrow evening.


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