Indoor Plyos
Endurance WOD:
1 Mile Run
*every 400m, perform 20 stationary jumping split squats
WOD: For Time:
OH Carry (45/25) – 1st line and back
8 Wall Climbs or 40 PP (95/65) and 5 Rollouts
OH Carry – 2nd line and back
6 Wall Climbs or 30 PP (95/65) and 5 Rollouts
OH Carry – 3rd line and back
4 Wall Climbs or 20 PP (95/65) and 5 Rollouts
OH Carry – curb and back
2 Wall Climbs or or 10 PP (95/65) and 5 Rollouts
***Begin each round with 25 Air Squats
1 thought on “Wall Climbs are Fun…”
It was awesome!!