Mission CrossFit SA has opened their doors to the public! The facility looks amazing and has a beautiful wall of glass making the space feel vast! Don’t miss the chance to come out and get your CrossFit on in this facility!
Saturday’s classes will be cancelled because we will be attending an Olympic Lifting Seminar hosted by Alamo CrossFit. US Olympian, Chad Vaughn and 15-year Olympic Lifting Coach, Ursula Papandrea. You can never learn too much and this will only make our olympic lifts that much better! We pride ourselves in our snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift, so why not learn from of the best and work to perfect those movements and make your WOD times drop and your PR’s go up!
“With proper technique Olympic lifting helps build explosive power and teaches us how to accelerate or receive a load (be it an object or another person). The movements of Olympic lifts are common to many sports. Performing these movements efficiently through proper technique increases an athlete’s ability to improve both performance and avoid injury.”
Because Saturday’s classes will be cancelled we are having a free WOD at 1:00pm on Sunday! Sign-up online and come enjoy the workout! Bring a friend who has never tried CrossFit before and let them experience what it’s all about!
Strart and End with a 1000m row
3 rounds:
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/10)
15 Pull-ups
15 Burpees
45 Sit-ups
First day of classes and we shed blood in the second class! Gotta love CrossFit!