Weigh-In Starts Today!

Weigh-In Starts Today!

Weigh-In Starts Today!

Remember!  Weigh in starts today for the Spring Break Survival Paleo Challenge.  If you haven’t signed up with a team or as an individual yet, DO IT!  This challenge is going to be a blast and will have some great prizes that will be released later this week.  A couple things to remember if you are signing up or if you are already signed up:

1. Please fill in the weight you plan on using for the ground to overhead workout and kettlebell workout.  These MUST be filled out before Saturday.  There are spaces for these numbers on the sign-in sheets at the front desk.

2. Weigh in.  The scale will be up at the white board for rest of the week to get your initial weight.  Please weigh-in, write your weight and date on a Post-It and drop in the box at the board.  The scale will be up again in the same location as we do bi-weekly weigh-ins.


400m Run

PVC Shoulder Warm Up

Barbell Trap Smash


Find 1 RM Push Press


@ 70% of 1RM Push Press

Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Min for Total Reps:

:15 ME Push Press

:45 Rest


50 T2B for time or 100 V-Ups


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