Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WARM-UP: :20 Drills (x2) Jacks Lunges Bar Hang Handstand hold/walk Lunge to instep Push-ups then 20 Pelvic raises 15 Single Leg raises (ea.) 20 Kicks on ground 20 Scorpions 10 Burpees SKILL: 4×10 Barbell Bent
Bench Pump
WARM-UP: 9:00 EMOM M1: 10 Cal Row M2: 15 Russian KBS (24/16) M3: 10 Thrusters with Empty Barbell SKILL: Superset x3 (:60-:90 rest between sets) Bench: ME sets @ 60%-70% of BW Weighted Plank :45est
Hold At The Bottom
WARM-UP: Curb to Curb Run 1:00 Jump rope CTC 12 to 1 of single leg jump rope CTC 50 DU (15 attempts) CTC 20 walking Lunges CTC 5 Inch Worm + 3 Push-ups SKILL: 3
Split Jerk Work
WARM-UP: 200 m run Line drills 2 x :15 each (:05 rest between) -forward -side to side -shuffle -hip turns 1 Set of Fence drills 6 to 1 Sq and Pushups SKILL: 6X3 Split Jerks
Plate Pinches
WARM-UP: Indoor Plyos Shuttle run 20 BSQ w/ barbell 20 Good mornings w/ barbell 20 Shoulder Press w/ barbell SKILL: Strict Presses 10:00 Build to a heavy set of 5 reps WOD: For Time: (12:00)
Finish Your Work, Then You Can Rest
WARM-UP: 1 Set of fence drills 10 Push ups 10 Light KBS 10 Jumping Squats :20 Bar hang Plyos Group stretch WOD: 10:00 to Complete: 1000m Row 20 Burpees over rower 10:00 to Complete: 200m