Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Let’s Back Squat!
WARM-UP: Ladder Drills 2x’s :30 drills Good mornings Air squats Reach over head/between legs Push ups SL sit ups 2:00 Group Stretch SKILL: Every 2:00 for 10:00 Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Start at 60% 1rm and
All The Cardio
WARM-UP: 400m Run Foam Roll (5:00) Monster band walks *band around ankles Laterally 2 x 20 steps each Forward/backward 2 x 20 steps each SKILL: 3 x 10 Vertical SB throws outside. *Take a SB
Super Hero Saturday “Daniel”
WARM-UP: Plyos SKILL: 1 Round of “Helen” For Time: 400m Run 21 KBS (24/16kg) 12 Pull-ups WOD: Super Hero Saturday! Partner “Daniel” 50 Pull-ups 800m Run (200m alternating) 42 Thrusters (95/65) 1200m Run (200m alt.)
Are You Pushing Yourself To Your Optimal Level?
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL: 12:00 to find your 1RM Thruster from the ground WOD: 21-15-9 (16:00) Squat Clean (135/95) Burpees Cash Out Tabata hollow rocks
Dumbbell Work
WARM-UP: 2 Rounds of :30 drills Jumping Jacks Lunges Arm circles forwards Arm circles backwards Bar hang Handstand hold Push-ups Squats 1:00 Stretch SKILL: Death by Strict Pull-ups upto 10:00 WOD: For time: (18:00) 400m
Clean Complex and Some Jumping
WARM-UP: 2 shuttle runs outside 3:00 Jump Rope Calf stretch 3 x :10 each side SKILL: 2 Sets: 1:00 ME Short Shuttles (1:00 rest) *Short shuttle is from building to midline and back *touch with