Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Lets Go For Reps
WARM-UP: 250 M Row 2x’s: 10 Good Mornings 10 Push Ups 5 Inch worms Quick plyos SKILL: 2x’s: (16min cut) 2:00 to complete each: 400 M Run 400 M Row 20 Cal on bike 2:00
WARM-UP: PVC Warm Up Pass Thru Fig 8 Stretch Hammies/Shoulders OHSQ *gradually narrow SKILL: Kettlebell single arm OHSQ 10 Min: 4×10 OHSQ (5 per side) WOD: Partner WOD:(13min cut) 5 Rounds: (each, alternating) P1: 10
WARM-UP: 2 Rds: 20 Seal Jumps 10 Air Squats 10 RR 10 SLSU 10 Push Ups 1 Set Fence Drills SKILL: 10 Min EMOM: M1: 3 Front Squats (155/105)(from ground) + 5 Burpees M2:
Super Bowl Sunday- 10 a.m. Class ONLY
10 a.m. class today ONLY! NO 4 p.m class today. “Filthy Fifty” To celebrate the 50th Superbowl!
Partner Chipper
WARM-UP: Quick Plyos 3 Rds: 10 RR 10 Air Squats SKILL: Dumbbell Lawn Mower Rows on Bench (10min) 3 x 10-15 Each side (no rest between sides) *:90 rest between sides WOD: Partner Chipper (20min)
Open Wod 11.6
WARM-UP: 400 M Row Fence Drills 3 Rds: Cindy 5 Pullups 10 push ups 15 Air Squats SKILL: Tabata 8 Rds of each: Air Squat Push Up Sit Up WOD: 7 Min AMRAP: 3 Thrusters