Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
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Lets Lift Heavy Things
WARM-UP: PVC Warm Up WOD: 24 Min: Min 1-8 Build to Heavy OHSQ Min 9-16: Build to Heavy Push Press Min 17-24: Build To Heavy Back Squat Cash out: 100 reps your choice: V-ups TTB
Man Makers
WARM-UP: 200M run 2 Rds: 20 Jumping jacks 20 Seal jumps 20 Banded Pull aparts 15 Air Squats 10 SLSU SKILL: 3×5 Dumbbell Man Makers WOD: Waterfall Style Teams of 4: 300M Row 12 DB
Run With The Wind
WARM-UP: Plyos 400 M Run *Calf Stretch on Wall: 3 x :10 each side SKILL: For Time: 200M Run 400M Run 600M Run 400M Run 200M Run rest 1/1 WOD: 12 Min Amrap: 12 Box
Happy February!
WARM-UP: 400m Run :30 Drills X 2 Squat holds Wall squats R lunge to instep L lunge to instep Arm circles Bar hang SKILL: 10 Minute EMOM Odd: 5 backsquats Even: 5-8 strict pull ups
Last day of January
WARM-UP: 200m Run Outdoor plyos SKILL: 2 Rounds: 1:00 Glute bridge hold 20 Pelvic tilts :30 Glute bridge hold- R 10 Pelvic tilts- R :30 Glute bridge hold- L 10 Pelvic tilts- L WOD: 20
Lucky 13
WARM-UP: 4 Indoor laps 2 Rounds: 20 Jumping jacks 10 Squats 10 Spider-Man crawls 1 Set of fence drills SKILL: Death by strict pull-ups. Then, 33 Burpee test WOD: “Lucky 13” 13 Minute AMRAP 13