Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Row Day
WARM-UP: 400M Run Outdoor Plyos SKILL: TEAM of 3 Row 3000m as a team Team memebers have to switch every 250m. WOD: For Time 800m Run 60 KB swings ( 24/16 ) 50 Wallballs 40
Superset Fri-yay
WARM-UP: 400m Run :30 Sec drills Air squats Lunges Lunge to instep Push ups SLSU X 2 SKILL: SuperSet ( 12:00 ) KB Bulgarian split lunges- 10 total Banded good mornings- 15 ( green/purple )
Amy, Amy, Amy
WARM-UP: 250m Row 5 Inch worms 10 Burpees 15 Air squats 20 Seal jumps X 2 SKILL: 12 min EMOM Min 1: Ring push ups- 10 Min 2: Wallballs -12 Min 3: KB SDHP- 15
Bear Of A Workout
WARM-UP: Curb to curb 20 pelvic raises CTC 20 kicks CTC 20 single leg raises ( 10 ea ) CTC 20 scorpions SKILL: Monster walks 20 steps forward 20 steps backwards 20 steps left 20
3 Rep Max Bench
WARM-UP: 400m run PVC complex 2 x 20 jumping jacks 15 air squats 10 LHPU 5 burpees SKILL: Find 3 Rep max Bench Press 5 x 3 then @ 80% of 3 rep max 1
Come Get Chipper
WARM-UP: 3:00 Min jump rope Plyos SKILL: Indoor Shuttle run X 3 rounds Score will be slowest time WOD: For Time: (20:00) 40 Wallballs (20/14) 40 DU 30 KB swings ( 24/16 ) 30 Burpees