Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Fran is always a good time
WARM-UP: 20 jumping jacks 10 squats 10 spiderman crawls 5 plank to squat jumps 1 set of fence drills SKILL: Every :90 for (4 sets) (6:00) 15 Wallballs (20/14) 5 Burpees WOD: “Fran” (10:00) 21-15-9
Jackie 2.0
WARM-UP: 200m row 10 pvc thrusters 5 pull ups 200m run 10 pvc thrusters 5 pull ups 10 wall walks 3:00 group stretch SKILL: handstand holds 3 X :45 rest :30 in between sets WOD:
Getting Out Of Your Head Is Step One
WARM-UP: 200m Run 2xs: 5 pull ups (strict if can) 10 push ups 10 jumping squats 90 quad smash R :90 quad smash L SKILL: 3 X 10 Unbroken thrusters (10:00) WOD: :90 calf smash
Beach Body Day
WARM-UP: 1 set fence drills 3X 10 wall squats 10 pull ups 10 push ups SKILL: Bench (15:00) 4X5 Bench press AHAP After each set: complete a set of 15 band pull aparts (2:00 Rest)
You Tabata Be Kidding Me
WARM-UP: Ladder drills 10 pvc pass throughs 10 pvc good mornings 10 pvc OHS 5 narrow grip OH squats with :5 pause at the bottom with a pvc 3:00 group stretch SKILL: Tabata (8:00) 4
Glute Enhancement day
WARM-UP: 1:00 single unders 2:00 DU work 10 squats 10 push-ups 10 lunges 5 burpees 2:00 lax work for chest (:60 each side) SKILL: superset X3 (12:00) 14 (total) weighted step-ups (add weight each time)