Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Free Snatch Clinic Tomorrow Afternoon!!!
Tomorrow, Coach Nick will be hosting a FREE Snatch Clinic at 3:30 PM! He will be covering the basic positions of the snatch as well as discussing many other tips and fixes for the movement.
5 Year Anniversary Party!!! Come celebrate with the Mission family as we celebrate 5 years! We have accomplished so much and come so far over these last 5 years and we want to celebrate that
Tough EMOM!
WARM UP 400 M Run Fence Drills 3X:30 Drills Good Mornings Air Squats JJ Barbell WU/Review STRENGTH 4X10 Sumo DL (Superset with) 4X20 Banded Good Mornings WOD EMOM for 10 min 8 bar facing burpees
WARM UP 400m Run Barbell Warm-Up STRENGTH Find 3 Rep Touch and Go Clean and Jerk (10:00) WOD With a Partner Complete: P1:200m Run/Row P2: 80 Burpees P1: 200m Run/Row P2: 80 T2B P1: 200m
Max Split Jerk
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash Learn 2 Lift seminar. Here are the
Another Lung/Leg Burner
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash Learn 2 Lift seminar. Here are the