Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Row and Run Endurance
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash Learn 2 Lift seminar. WARM
WARM UP Plyos PVC Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up SKILL Snatch Touch and Go Review “Isabel” 30 Snatches for Time (135/95) WOD 12 Min AMRAP: 1 Push Press (115/95) 1 Burpee Over Bar 10 Situps 2 Push
5 Year Anniversary!
Come celebrate with the Mission family as we celebrate 5 years! We have accomplished so much and come so far over these last 5 years and we want to celebrate that with our Mission family.
Travis Mash This Weekend!
If you are interested in Weightlifting (Snatch/Clean & Jerk) and/or Powerlifting (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) we have a great seminar coming up in April. Travis Mash (a great friend of ours and oh yeah… he’s a MDUSA Coach
Good Friday
REMINDER! We will be closed this Sunday for Easter! If you are interested in Weightlifting (Snatch/Clean & Jerk) and/or Powerlifting (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) we have a great seminar coming up in April. Travis Mash (a great friend
4 Rounds of Fun
REMINDER: We will be closed this Sunday to observe Easter. All other classes will run as scheduled. WARM UP 3:00 Jump Rope 20 Pelvic raises 20 Single Leg raises (ea.) 20 Kicks on ground 20