Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Just a Little EMOM
ANNOUNCEMENT!!! There will be NO YOGA OR CLASS THIS SUNDAY (2/1) because of the Super Bowl. Enjoy this time with friends and family watching the game! This weekend we have several athletes competing at different events around
Rowing, Rowing, Rowing
WARM UP 2 Rounds: 250m Row 20 Air Squats 10 Pushups 10 Good Mornings 5 Burpees ENDURANCE 3 Rounds: 1:00 ME Cal Row 2:00 Rest WOD Teams of 3, WaterFall Style: 10 Cal Row 20
Adding Some Fun to Burpees…
ANNOUNCEMENT!!! There will be NO YOGA OR CLASS THIS SUNDAY (2/1) because of the Super Bowl. Enjoy this time with friends and family watching the game! This weekend we have several athletes competing at different events around
Double KB Front Squats!
ATTENTION “We Are Change” Participants!!! This Saturday, we will have a challenge WOD at 10 AM. Your team will need at least 3 members present to get points. BUT THE MORE THE BETTER. Stay posted for
Partna WOD!
WARM UP 400m Run/Row 3x: 5 Inch Worm + Push Up 10 Scorpions 10 Side Plank + Reach 10 Air Squats STRENGTH 4×8 Bench Press WOD Partner 1 Completes: 2-4-6 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65) T2B
Staying Inside Today!
WARM UP 3x :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Air Squats Good Mornings Seal Jumps Lunge to Instep Squat Hold MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD EMOM – 4 Rounds 1: 10 WBS (20/14) Rx+ (30/20) 2: 12 KBS