Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Welcome Back!
Hope y’all had a great Fourth of July weekend! One week from today (Monday, July 14th) our three new programs will officially begin! MetCon Class – M/W/F at 5:45 – 6:30am (included in CrossFit membership)
Happy July 4th!
WARM-UP 400m Run Plyos STRENGTH 3 x 6 Weighted Pull-ups (kip or strict) *Immediately drop the weight (ball) and perform ME set of Pull-ups WOD “The Sevens” – 7 RFT (40:00) 7 HSPU 7
Let’s Mobilize!
REMINDER! Tomorrow, July 4th, there will ONLY BE A 9 AM CLASS! All other classes are canceled to honor the holiday. Weekend schedule will remain the same. WARM UP 500m Row 400m Run 2 Sets
There’s So Much Room For Activities!
WARM UP 5 min Jump Rope Warm Up Stretch ENDURANCE 3 Rounds: 400m Run 50 DU (100 SU) :60 Rest After Each Round WOD 9 Rounds: 9 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65) 9 V-Ups 9 LHPU
Lots of Room = WBS and Pull-ups
Day one was an overwhelming success! Thank you to everyone who came out on our first day of classes, today ought to be just as fun! 75/75 Referral Program During the month of July, Mission
First Day at the New Facility!
We’re In! It’s been a great day so far at the new location! We’ve learned a few things (parking/class space management/etc) that we will be updating and sharing with you all. Be sure to come