Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
A Walk in the Park
WARM UP 400m Run 2x: 5 Push Ups 5 Inch Worms 10 Air Squats 10 Lunge to Instep STRENGTH 15 Min to Work up to 1RM Push Press WOD 4 Rounds: 400m Run 10 Deadlifts
It’s Friday! Let’s Lift Heavy Things!
This weekend we are hosting the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Trainers Seminar! Therefore the gym will beCLOSED all weekend. BUT, we are still going to have both CrossFit classes at 8:00am and 9:00am at the NEW GYM at
Weekend classes
This weekend we are hosting the CrossFit Olympic Lifting Trainers Seminar! Therefore the gym will be CLOSED all weekend. BUT, we are still going to have both CrossFit classes at 8:00am and 9:00am at the
WARM UP 400m Run 3 Rounds: 10 PVC Pass Thrus 10 Jumping Squats 10 Push-ups MOBILITY Banded Shoulders/Hips/Ankles WOD “Mary”-ish 20 Min AMRAP: 5 HSPU 10 Goblet Squats (24/16) Rx+: 10 Alternating Pistols 15 T2B
Team Endurance Day!
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos ENDURANCE 2 Rounds: Fight Gone Bad Style – Team of 3 Calories on the Rower Burpees Slam Balls Squat Jumps Rest WOD 3 Rounds in Teams of 3: P1: 200m
WARM UP :30 Drills x3 Air Squats Pull-ups/Ring Rows Jumping Jacks Gate Swings 1:00 Stretch SKILL Barbell Warm-Up 10 Min to Find 1RM Snatch Balance WOD “Josh” 21 OHSQ (95/65) 42 Pull-Ups 15 OHSQ 30