Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
REMINDER: The scale is up at the whiteboard for final weigh-ins for the Spring Break Survival Challenge. Be sure to get your weights in BY FRIDAY!!! WARM UP :30 Drills x 2: Jumping Jacks Air
Saturday Schedule
The following Schedule will be how this Saturday, April 6th will run. Take note of when you can and CANNOT workout on your own. 7:15am – 8:45am Open Gym ***Come during this time, Coach Neal
Solid “Skill” Day
Lots of stuff happening this week! Make sure to sign up for the Body Fat Test that is available at our 3 Year Anniversary Party this Saturday! The sign-up is on the board and only
Surprise Monday!!!
Remember, this is the final week of the Spring Break Survival Challenge so be on your best “behavior” this week. We will have the scale up at the gym starting today for those of you
Open WOD 13.4. Here We Go!!!
WARM UP Curb to Curb – Jog Down to Far Curb – Backpedal Back to Near Curb Plyos WOD Open WOD 13.4 7 Min AMRAP: 3 C&J (135/95) 3 Toes to Bar 6 C&J 6
WARM UP 5:00 Jump Rope Warmup MOBILITY 5:00 Stretching (Coach’s Choice) WOD Curb to Curb Run 25 Burpees Over KB 40 KBS (24/16) 1/2 Suicide Run 20 Burpees Over KB 30 KBS Full Suicide Run