Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Polish Up Your KB Snatch
WARM UP :30 Drills x 2 Jumping Jacks Seal Jumps Air Squats Pushups Good Mornings 1:00 Stretch SKILL KB Snatch WOD 4 Rounds: 10 KB Snatch Each Arm (24/16) 20 LHPU 30 WBS
WARM UP 400m Run PVC Warmup Bar Warmup STRENGTH 12 Min to Find Max: 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk *Minimum of 5 Attempts WOD 15 Min AMRAP 200m Run 10
Five WOD Friday
WARMUP Ladder Drills PVC Warmup WOD 3:00 ME Burpees (2:00 Rest) 3:00 ME Snatches (95/65) (2:00 Rest) 3:00 AMRAP 5 Box Jumps 5 Push Press 5 Toes To Bar (2:00 Rest) 3:00 AMRAP 30 Box
WARM UP 2x: 200m Row 400m Run MOBILITY Lacrosse Ball Work WOD #1 (15 Min Cutoff) 30 KBS (32/24) 30 WBS (20/14) 30 CTB Pullups 1000m Run 20 KBS 20 WBS 20 CTB Pullups —
Team Challenge #1
Team Challenge #1 desserts MUST be in before Saturday at 8:00am. No late entries allowed. They will be placed in the coaches office on a table that is set up in there. Make sure to
Double WOD Wednesday, Anybody Seeing a Pattern This Week???
Even if you have signed up at the gym for one of our two teams, make sure that you register on the Reebok CrossFit Games website by clicking here! You will then make your profile (if