Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
SKILL:every :90 for 9:00:snatch complex WOD:3 Rounds:400 meter run9 overhead squats12 power snatch15 toes to bar
SKILL:3 rounds:12 alternating landmine cossack squats :30 hollow body hold20 alternating landmine twists WOD:in 12:00:build to a heavy 8 rep deadlift—————————————–*rest 5:00——————-8:00 emom:8 deadlifts at 70% of above8 push ups
WOD:32:00 amrap:45/35 calories row or 30/20 calorie bike10 unbroken thrusters20 dumbbell step ups 40 sit ups
SKILL:every :90 for 9:00:clean complex WOD:for time:800 meter run———————–10 * 8 * 6 * 4 * 2 power cleans*50 double unders
SKILL:build to a 5 rep back squat WOD:for time:2:00 max effort burpees———————————*rest 1:00———————————21-15-9air squatspull ups
WOD:0:00- 10:00: 1000 meter row/bike ——————————————-10:00-12:00:*rest——————————————-12:00-20:00:8:00 amrap:30 walking lunges with slamball200 meter slamball weighted run——————————————–20:00-24:00: *rest——————————————–24:00-30:00:6:00 emom:10 pull ups10 slamballs