Athlete of The Month – April 2014

Athlete of The Month – April 2014

Athlete of The Month – April 2014

Name: Ashley Rice

Started CrossFit: August 2011(I had a few week stint in August 2011 but I legit started in November 2012)

Favorite WOD: preferably with burpees or KBS

Least Favorite WOD: The Bear

Favorite Lift: Back Squat

Least Favorite Lift: Shoulder Press

Story: I initially tried crossfit and decided that not being able to walk properly for days at time just wasn’t for me. Fast forward a year and a half later… I found myself sitting at a computer eight hours a day with no physical activity and my bagel bite/Gatorade diet was far from “clean.” Luckily a few of my missionista friends convinced me to give it another shot and man am I glad I listened to them! I have met so many inspiring people at Mission, both coaches and athletes, that not only motivate me to be a better athlete but to be a better person as well. So excited for more PRs and more great people.



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