Athlete of The Month – June 2014

Athlete of The Month – June 2014

Athlete of The Month – June 2014

Name: Brian Fuentes

Started CrossFit: March 2013

Favorite WOD: Cindy

Least Favorite WOD: Karen

Favorite Lift: Power Clean/Squat Clean

Least Favorite Lift: Overhead Squat


I came to MCFSA with a fair amount of knowledge in terms of physical fitness (thanks to my time in the military), but I also came pretty out of shape since I had not maintained an active fitness regimen since my active duty days. I was definitely looking to start working out again, and I started getting interested after watching Crossfit Games reruns on ESPN. A few fitness enthusiast friends of mine urged me to try it out, so I emailed Coach Drew to set up my first class…on endurance day. It was absolutely devastating. I also knew it was exactly what I was looking for. I could barely move afterwards, but I couldn’t sign up fast enough. Through many months of hard work and determination, I arrived at the point where I was strong enough come to class everyday instead of just once or twice a week. My results absolutely skyrocketed during the Whole Life Challenge last fall. By combining my Crossfit classes with participation in the WLC at the prescribed level, I lost almost 14 pounds of body fat and set new (at the time) PRs for most of my lifts. I credit Mission Crossfit San Antonio for helping me achieve my fitness goals, helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and providing an awesome atmosphere to work out in and be a part of. I like the fact that coaches and athletes alike are friendly and supportive, and will go out of their way to motivate you or help you if you are having trouble. Aside from being in much better shape than when I started here over a year ago, I think the biggest change has been in my mindset. Instead of looking for a way to get out of working out, I’m now in the box at least 20-30 minutes early, getting in extra work before class. Instead of wondering if I can even survive a WOD, I’m wondering how much of it I can do unbroken or challenging myself to keep up with the person ahead of me. I’m thankful to be a part of this box, and I look forward to many more WODs and PRs!


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