Hey Chief… It’s Been a While
WARM UP Ladder Drills MOBILITY Coach’s Choice (More than likely Calf Smash after all those Double Unders!) WOD “The Chief” 5 Rounds: 3 Min Work / 1 Min Rest 3
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WARM UP Ladder Drills MOBILITY Coach’s Choice (More than likely Calf Smash after all those Double Unders!) WOD “The Chief” 5 Rounds: 3 Min Work / 1 Min Rest 3
This Saturday, July 19th “Mission In The Park” 8:00am Class will be at the Gym 9:00am Class will be at Olmos Basin Park Field #4 (NOT at the gym)
WARM UP 400m Run Everett Warm-up SKILL “Flight Simulator” (12:00 Cap) 5-10-15-29-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Unbroken Sets of Double Unders WOD 10 Min AMRAP: 10 KBS (32/24) 10 T2B 10 LHPU
Starting this Saturday, July 19th, Mission CrossFit SA has teamed up with the City of San Antonio to host our very own Fitness in the Park workout! Coach Beth has
WARM-UP 3 Rounds: 200m Run 15 Air Squats 5 Inch Worms *then Stretching STRENGTH 2 rep Back Squats + :03 pause at the bottom of each rep (12:00) WOD 10
Good luck to all the ladies from Mission competing in the “No Baby, Leave The Socks On” competition at TBC CrossFit today! Some are there for their first competition. Go
If you’re looking for something to do tomorrow, we have several female athletes competing at TBC CrossFit in the “No Baby, Leave the Socks On” Competition. The first workout starts
WARM UP 400M Run 2x: Fence Drills 10 Lunges (each leg) 10 Air Squats 10 Lunge to Instep (total) 10 Pushups MOBILITY Banded Shoulder Coach’s Choice WOD 18 Min EMOM:
Check Your Emails! Our July Newsletter just went out and it’s got a ton of information regarding events and programs coming up soon! Coach Nick is officially opening up the
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos SKILL 1-Arm KB Overhead Squat Work up to 3-Rep Max (Each Arm) WOD 21-15-9 Hang Squat Snatch Toes 2 Bar
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217