Hold Your Plank Bro
WARM UP: 200m run Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE: For Time 500m Row 2 Shuttle Runs 100 Double Unders (200 SU) WOD: team of 3 2400m total (each person runs 4 times) p1:
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WARM UP: 200m run Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE: For Time 500m Row 2 Shuttle Runs 100 Double Unders (200 SU) WOD: team of 3 2400m total (each person runs 4 times) p1:
WARM UP: shuttle run 3X 5 inch worms to push up 10 air squats 10 lunges to instep :30 Bar Hang SKILL: HSPU Review 12 min EMOM: ODD: 6 HSPU
WARM UP: 400m run 3 rounds 15 air squats 12 pvc pass thru 10 push ups SKILL: Back Squats Build to a heavy single then: 3 X :45 ME reps
WARM UP: 400m run plyos SKILL: EMOM: 4 rounds 1- 10 toes to rings 2- 15 wallballs (20/14) 3- 15 V-ups 4- 20 OH lunges (45/35) WOD: teams of 4:
WARM UP: 400m run 3 rounds of cindy SKILL: teams of 3: 2000m row for time (200m at a time per teammate) WOD: teams of 3: 100 front squats (135/95)
WARM UP: 400m run PVC warm-up SKILL: Bent over row 4X10 as heavy as possible WOD: 10 min AMRAP: 5 STO (135/95) 10 T2B 5 Hang Power Cleans
WARM UP: :30 drills X 2 jumping jacks good mornings seal jumps air squats bar hang plank hold SKILL: coaches choice WOD: 4 rounds 400m run 15 pull ups 20
WARM UP: 3X 250m row 15 straight leg sit-ups 10 pushups SKILL: Team of 3 500m row time trials WOD: Team of 3: (waterfall style) 4 round 250m row 15
WARM UP: 3 rounds: 200m run 15 good mornings 10 air squats STRENGTH: Back Squats 8 Rounds: 2 reps every :45 @ 75% *decreasing sets from last week but increasing
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217