WARM UP 400m Run Barbell Warm-Up STRENGTH Find 3 Rep Touch and Go Clean and Jerk (10:00) WOD With a Partner Complete: P1:200m Run/Row P2: 80 Burpees P1: 200m Run/Row
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 92
WARM UP 400m Run Barbell Warm-Up STRENGTH Find 3 Rep Touch and Go Clean and Jerk (10:00) WOD With a Partner Complete: P1:200m Run/Row P2: 80 Burpees P1: 200m Run/Row
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash Learn 2
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash Learn 2
REMINDER!!! There will be NO 9 AM Class this Saturday (there will still be an 8 AM) and NO CLASS on Sunday because we will be hosting the Travis Mash
Come celebrate with the Mission family as we celebrate 5 years! We have accomplished so much and come so far over these last 5 years and we want to celebrate
If you are interested in Weightlifting (Snatch/Clean & Jerk) and/or Powerlifting (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) we have a great seminar coming up in April. Travis Mash (a great friend of ours and oh
REMINDER! We will be closed this Sunday for Easter! If you are interested in Weightlifting (Snatch/Clean & Jerk) and/or Powerlifting (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) we have a great seminar coming up in April.
REMINDER: We will be closed this Sunday to observe Easter. All other classes will run as scheduled. WARM UP 3:00 Jump Rope 20 Pelvic raises 20 Single Leg raises (ea.)
Hello Everybody! One of our members, Alicen Flores, is currently a senior at Alamo Heights High School and getting ready to head off to college. She has been a member at MCFSA
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217