Power Cleans and Sleds
WARM-UP: :30 of each X 2 Good mornings Squats Lunge to instep L Lunge to instep R Downward Dog HSPU SKILL: Every 2:00 for 10:00 8 Touch and Go Power
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WARM-UP: :30 of each X 2 Good mornings Squats Lunge to instep L Lunge to instep R Downward Dog HSPU SKILL: Every 2:00 for 10:00 8 Touch and Go Power
WARM-UP: 800m 2 Person relay Stretching WOD: 8 Rounds Rounds – 1,3,5,7 15 WB (20/14) 1 Shuttle Run Rounds – 2,4,6,8 15 T2B 15 Cal Rower
WARM-UP: Ladders Stretching SKILL: 4 Outdoor Shuttle Runs WOD: 24:00 EMOM M1: 7 Thrusters (45/35) 14 Double Unders M2: 8 Thrusters 16 DU M3: 9 Thrusters 18 DU M4: 10
WARM-UP: :30 drills Jacks Lunge to Instep Right Lunge to Instep Left Seal Jumps Gate swings Handstand Hold Push ups Cobra to down dog Inch Worms Knee above the hip
WARM-UP: Banded Monster Walks 2 Rounds: 20 each Right/Left/Forward/Back 20 Vertical Med Ball Throws outside PVC: 15 Pass Thru 10 Fig 8 8 Push Press 8 Push jerk 8 Split
LADIES! A League of Their Own compeition registration opens today at noon. Grab your 2 partners and sign up for the RX or Scaled devision. WARM-UP: Plyos PVC Pinwheel/Box jumps
WARM-UP: Plyos Stretch SKILL: 7:00 AMRAP of FUN WOD: Death By Strict Pull ups (10 Rounds) M1: 3 strict Pull up + 5 WBS M2: 4 Strict Pull ups + 5
WARM-UP: 200M Run 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Lunge Jumps 20 Vertical Squat jumps (go for height, landing back into the squat) Banded Shoulder Stretching Banded Rack Stretching WOD: “Fresh Friends”
WARM-UP: With a partner: C2C partner carry 10 Synchro push-ups 10 Synchro sit-ups 10 Partner WB tosses over pull-up bar WOD: 3:00 work,1:00 rest 200m Row 12 Burpees 12 KBS
WARM-UP: 9:00 EMOM M1: Shuttle Run M2: 5 Russian KBS + 5 American KBS M3: 10 Barbell Thrusters WOD: 3 RFT 600m Run 25 Slamballs ( 30/20 ) 25 Slam
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217