Hooked On Mary
BUY-IN: 800m Run PVC Warm -up Strength WOD: 3 x 15 RDL (135/95) WOD” “Mary” – 20min AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols (total) or 10 BSQ (95/65) 15 Pull-ups
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BUY-IN: 800m Run PVC Warm -up Strength WOD: 3 x 15 RDL (135/95) WOD” “Mary” – 20min AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols (total) or 10 BSQ (95/65) 15 Pull-ups
WARM UP 40om Run :30 Drills x3 Pass Throughs Good Mornings Figure 8’s OHS Burpees SKILL 8 Min to Find ME UB Double Unders OR 4 x 150m Row (:60
The new T-Shirts and Eat Clean Be Lean Challenge shirts are in! If you reserved a new shirt, please come get Drew or Nick to retrieve the shirt for you.
As you all know, we will have class tomorrow and Saturday at 9 AM. For those of you who typically come in and lift outside of normal class times, the
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday and gives thanks while you spend time with family and friends! We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! And no we didn’t forget about
Remember, NO EVENING CLASSES TONIGHT. The last class will be at 12:00pm. BUY-IN: Ladders Endurance WOD: 2,000m Row (alternate 500m with partner) *then 1,600m Run (alternate 400m with partner) WOD:
WARM UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL/STRENGTH 12 Minutes to Complete: Find 1 Rep Max Shoulder Press (Bar Starts on Ground) 500m Row Time Trial WOD 3 Rounds for Total Reps:
Remember to take a look at the class schedule for the week (to the right of this post). Also, very important, the Eat Clean Be Lean Challenge does actually continue
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217