February 2016 – Athlete of the Month

February 2016 – Athlete of the Month

February 2016 – Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Brett Bolus for being selected at February’s Athlete of the Month!   Brett joined Mission in June of 2015, and immediately brought a new, unique energy to the community!  He was welcomed with open arms and fit right in.  He took to the more competitive side of CrossFit joining our Mission Sport program where we became a leader immediately where he leads by example each and every day.  Like he explains in his story, he is a very focused and driven individual, which explains why he goes to bed early, wake up everyday at 4:30am and has a well-rounded healthy lifestyle.  For those reasons and many more,  he is certainly deserving of the title “Athlete of the Month.”

Name: Brett Bolus

Started CrossFit: February 27, 2013

Favorite WOD: Hero WOD “Josh”

Least Favorite WOD: Diane

Favorite Lift: Any movement with “squat” in it

Least Favorite Lift: Deadlift

Story: I found CrossFit at the start of my second semester in engineering at THE University of Texas at Austin. I hadn’t been active in terms of working out since I had graduated from high school. The more difficult school became, the more I looked for a way to get away from all of the books and stress that being a petroleum engineering major brought about. While waiting for a table at Moonshine in Austin, TX a group of my friends and I wondered next door to CrossFit Central Downtown, which was hosting a competition called The Fittest Games. I remember watching these women throw around weights that I had seen eighteen-year-old boys struggle with. It took me a few weeks to sign up but once I did, I was hooked. Everything about CrossFit fascinated me; the grit, the simplicity, the want to be better than the day before. I can honestly say that without CrossFit, I would not have graduated with my engineering degree and have the life I have today. CrossFit taught me to dig deeper than I ever thought I could. We have all had that moment during a workout where we thought “sweet Jesus, I’m going to die”.. But we don’t. We may throw up, stumble back to the bar, and complain about every rep the people around you are yelling for you to complete but regardless, we keep moving. When school ramped up and the people I started with began to switch majors and drop out, I just kept my head down and continued to put one foot in front of the other. The people I have met and trained with, whether they know it or not, are my place of solace. You all are my home away from home when school, friendships, life and responsibilities overload me. It’s just barbell, an amazing company, and me.

Feb 16 - 1


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