Congratulations to Blaine Rucker on being selected as May’s Athlete of the Month. Blaine has been around CrossFit for quite some time now, you can consider him an OG of the game. When he is not out representing Mission in local competitions, you can’t miss him if there’s a Mission event that requires a costume. He goes above and beyond just participating. For those reasons and many more is why we have selected Blaine as Athlete of the Month.
Started CrossFit– 2013 Round Rock – Kill It Crossfit
Favorite WOD– Double Karen
Least favorite WOD– Anything with a barbell. Especially a heavy barbell.
Favorite lift– I hate lifting. Let’s do rowing, bar muscle-ups, and wall balls until we die. If I have to pick a “lift” kettlebell swings (American), They make me feel important.
Least favorite lift– Anything with a barbell. I hate lifting. Have I said that yet? I joined CrossFit to force me outside of my comfort zone.
Story– WOW, how deep do I go? CrossFit helped me find light in a dark place. I needed some friends while starting a new chapter. A college friend told me to join a box, and I would make some friends. I was a little worried because I was not into “lifting with the bros.” I was a swimmer/runner/triathlon kind of guy.
The first gym I joined was very family-oriented, and I felt comfortable right away. They taught me all of the basics. Their coach was Olympic Lifting certified, which was essential to me because of my degree in Exercise Science and my American College of Sports Medicine certification.
As we have moved around, I have carried that knowledge and foundation to a few other boxes. I can always count on the community to be accepting and like-minded. Crossfit has been an integral part of my 7+ years of sobriety. I also travel a lot, and I get more excited about box drop-ins than some of the vacation explorations.
Mission Crossfit has been my home for a little over two years. I value the education and experience of the owners and their coaches. I worked in the fitness industry for many years. I know quality coaching and guidance when I see it. As an LGBQ athlete, I appreciate that Mission Crossfit embraces everyone for who they are and can meet anyone at their current personal journey. Mission Crossfit has taught me to go back to the basics. The technique is always preferred to a sloppy, heavy lift. I will forever be the little guy trying to hang with the big dogs. That is ok. I can still outrun them.