Mud Bug Throwdown WOD 3: The Earn-Your-Beer Chipper

Mud Bug Throwdown WOD 3: The Earn-Your-Beer Chipper

Mud Bug Throwdown WOD 3: The Earn-Your-Beer Chipper

MUD BUG THROWDOWN WOD 3: The “Earn-Your-Beer” Chipper

For Time: (12 minute Time Cap)

20 Burpee-Box Jump Overs** (20″ boxes for both Scaled and Rx men and women)

40 Power Cleans (Scaled: 95/65) (Rx: 115/75)

15 Burpee-Box Jump Overs

40 Toes-to-Bar (Rx) or 80 Sit-ups (Scaled)

10 Burpee-Box Jump Overs

Kettle Bell Lunge to Midline and Back (Scaled: 16/12) (Rx: 24/16)


*This one should be pretty clear. Athletes share reps however they choose. The crawfish and brews are nigh!

**Burpee-Box Jump Overs: Begin with a burpee, jump or step onto the box, then jump off the other side. Or, begin with a burpee and jump all the way over the box. Please don’t eat it. We’d rather not deal with bloody shins. (But for health reasons we will if we have to).

Heat times and schedule will be released later on today.  Stay Tuned!!!



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