The Paleo Challenge Is Still Happening!

The Paleo Challenge Is Still Happening!

The Paleo Challenge Is Still Happening!

I have heard over the past week from numerous different sources that people are falling off the band wagon and giving up on Paleo.  Don’t let it happen!  I know I haven’t been as best I could have been either, I’ll be the first to admit that, but let’s all make a turn around at this mid way point and push hard for the last 3 weeks!  There is so much than can be done in 3 weeks.  Talk to your Coaches, talk to myself, talk amongst each other!  Do whatever it takes to make a valiant effort for the second half of the challenge.

In our last challenge, we only had about 45 of our 63 athletes finish the challenge (meaning they showed up for final measurements/pictures and the benchmark), lets push that number way up because we have 98 athletes doing this challenge!  That is just plain ridiculous that we could organize that many people to challenge themselves.  I know I speak for every coach on our staff when I say I want all 98 to finish the challenge.  Let’s all pull together and finish this challenge out strong!


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