Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
No Rain Allowed Today
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set of Fence Drills PVC Shoulder warm-up Stretch WOD: “Fancy Nancy” 5RFT (40:00) 800m Run 8 Box Jumps (20”) 15 OHSQ (95/65)
Partner Up…. It’s Time To Clean
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set Fence Drills Thunderstruck Burpee Challenge -Everytime they say “Thunderstruck”, perform a burpee Stretch SKILL: 3 Rounds (superset): 10 Strict press (40% of PP to start) ME HS Hold (free stand
Snatch Balance Work
WARM-UP: 1 Set of fence drills :30 Drills Lunge to Instep Wall squats OHSQ PVC squats on rig Good morning Lunges Push ups Stretch SKILL: SNATCH BALANCE from racks 3 Every :90 for 9:00 @
“Fight Gone Bad”
WARM-UP: 500m Row (easy) 5 Inchworms with a push up 10 Good mornings 10 Jumping squats 10 Lunges with a twist 20 Handstand shoulder taps Stretch WOD: Fight Gone Bad: (17:00) 3 Rounds, 1:00 each
Front Squats and Pull Ups
WARM-UP: 200m Run 2X: 10 Squats 10 Ring Rows 10 V-ups 10 Burpees Stretch SKILL: 12:00 Alt EMOM M1: 5 FSQ from rack M2: 5 Pull ups (see notes) *Add weight to each set of
Can You Make It Till The End?
WARM-UP: 3:00 Jump Rope 2X: 1 Set of Fence Drills 1:00 Couch stretch, each side 10 Wall Squats :15 Ring Support Hold Stretch SKILL: Teams of 3: (15:00) 100 Cal on bike *Every 20 calories,