Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WARM-UP: 200m Run 2 x’s Light KB warm-up: 10 Russian KBS 10 American KBS 10 Goblet squats 10 KB PP (5L/5R) SKILL: Every 2:00 for 10:00 mins 5 FSQ @ 65% of 1 Rep (185/125
Power Cleans for Breakfast
WARM-UP: 6 Inchworms to dive bomber 8 Lunge to instep 6 Burpees 1 Set of Fence drills 6 Jumping squats 8 Pull ups 6 Push ups SKILL: For time: 800m Run 100 DUs 25 Bike
Spring Has Sprung, Now Back To The Gym!
WARM-UP: 200m Run PVC warm-up: 10 Pass throughs 8 OHS 6 Snatch balances to 6″ squat SKILL: 10:00 to build up in weight 3 Touch and go power snatches WOD: 18:00 to complete 4 Rounds:
“Nancy” with a cool down
WARM-UP: 2 Rounds: 1 Shuttle run 10 Wall squats 8 Lunge to insteps 6 Push ups SKILL: “NANCY” (20:00) 5 Rounds 400m Run 15 OHS (95/65) WOD: 6 Min EMOM M1: Full sprint on bike
Let’s Make a Man Out of You
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 Set of fence drills 5 Inchworms 10 Jumping squats for height 15 Ring rows 20 Pelvic Raises SKILL: 3 x 5 of Man Makers *increase weight each round if possible. Man-Maker:
WARM-UP: 2 Rounds 200 M Run 10 Lunge to instep 8 Burpees 6 Squats with plate out in front 4 HSPU (2 Wall walks) WOD: OPEN WOD 16.4 13 Minute AMRAP 55 DL (225/155) 55