Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Happy St. Patricks Day
WARM-UP: PVC warm up -Pass through – Around the worlds – Good mornings 3 Rounds of Cindy 5 Pull ups (strict if possible) 10 Push ups 15 Squats SKILL: Power cleans (12:00) Working to a
KB Push Press
WARM-UP: 3 Rounds: 10 Good Mornings 10 Squats 10 Burpees 10 Ring Rows Group stretch SKILL: 3 Rounds (12:00) 20 Banded GMs 15 Squats with red band right below knees 1:00 Pelvic raise hold WOD:
WARM-UP: 400m Run 1 Set of fence drills 2 Rounds: 20 Jumping jacks 10 Squats 10 Spiderman crawls 5 Wall walks SKILL: 16 Min EMOM: Back Squats & HSPU Odd: 6 BSQs @ 65% Even:
Rowin With The Homies
WARM-UP: 1 Shuttle run 5 Inchworms to a dive bomber 5 Burpee broad jumps 10 Ring rows 10 Wall squats 3:00 Group stretch SKILL: 3 Rounds for a superset (15:00) 12 Bent over KB rows
Our Version Of Sunday Funday
WARM-UP: Light KB Warm up: 200 M Run 20 Russians 200 M Run 20 Gob Squats 200 M Run 20 Push ups 200 M Run 20 American WOD: For Time: (22:00) 30 WBS (20/14) 800m
Bring-A-Friend To CrossFit
Bring a friend to class day! Regularly ran classes at 8 am and 9 am. WARM-UP: Outdoor Plyos 10 Squats 10 Sit ups 10 Lunges Group stretch SKILL: Partner Row (10:00) Row 2k P1: