Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WARM UP 3x 30 Second Drills Jumping Jacks Lunges Seal Jumps Air squats Straight let sit ups Push ups STRENGTH Bulgarian Split Squats 4×8 ea leg Hold KB in each hand, back foot on 20”
Sunday Funday
WARM UP Plyos Barbell Warm-Up WOD 4 Rounds: 3 Min Work/2 Min Rest Shuttle Run 10 Burpees Over Bar ME Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
Weekend Warriors!
WARM UP 2 Rounds: :30 Jump Rope 10 Air Squats :30 Jump Rope 10 Gate Swings :30 Jump Rope :30 Bar Hang STRENGTH 10 Min to Find 5 RM BSQ WOD 2 Rounds: 400m Run
Wet Friday
WARM UP 400m Run? Plyos STRENGTH 4 Sets: 10 Banded Push-Ups :30 Rest ME Push-ups w/o Band 2:00 Rest WOD 21-15-9 Power Clean (155/105) Pull-up (Rx+ = Strict)
EMOM and Mobility
WARM UP Everett Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up WOD 16 Min EMOM: Min 1: 200m Run Min 2: ME Power Snatch (135/95) Min 3: 20 Situps Min 4: 50 sec Plank MOBILITY Coach’s Choice
Partner Endurance!
MEMORIAL DAY MURPH SCHEDULE Sunday May 24th – No Class! Monday May 25th (Memorial Day) – 8 AM and 9 AM Class Only. We will be Performing “Murph”: 1-Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300