Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Partner Monday!
MUD BUG THROWDOWN UPDATE! There are 5 spots left in each category of the Mud Bug Throwdown! Be sure to sign up ASAP or talk to a coach if you are looking for a partner
Sunday Lung Burner w/Coach Beth!
WARM UP Plyos Barbell Warm up WOD 5 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Burpee Over Bar 5 Power Clean (155/105) Rx+ (185/135)
Saturday Fun!
WARM UP 3 Rounds: 250m Row 15 Good Mornings 10 Lunge to Instep 5 Inch Worms ENDURANCE Teams of 3 Team 3k Row Rotate every 500m WOD 800 M Run 30 LHPU 30 T2B 400
No Park WOD Tomorrow, Regular Schedule
Due to this morning’s rain, we unfortunately have to cancel our Park WOD yet again… The good news is that there will now be an 8 AM and 9 AM class tomorrow here at the
Partner WOD!
MUD BUG THROWDOWN UPDATE! There are ONLY 6 spots remaining in the scaled division and 5 spots remaining in the Rx division. Be sure to sign up ASAP or tell a coach you’d like to sign
Best CrossFit Gym In San Antonio!
We want to give a huge thanks to all our members and friends who voted for us as the Best CrossFit/Gym in San Antonio. According to the San Antonio Current’s “Best of San Antonio 2015”,